Construction Week 9

Construction Week 9

The steel is going up, and oh what a sight it is to see. Evergreen started erecting the building on Monday the 11th, beginning with the north end of the building and moving south. In this week they put up the larger structural steel that surrounds the offices, locker rooms, fitness and training area, yoga room, mechanical area, kids room, routesetters’ room, front desk and social area. This was followed by the huge structure for the climbing hall to the south. Stay tuned for that video soon!

Each second of the video corresponds to 30 minutes of real-time footage (30 frames per second, 1 minute between frames). YouTube will let you change the playback speed if you want to see things more slowly. If you’ve got the bandwidth, you can also boost the resolution all the way up to 4K! Just click on the gear icon.

– Brandon