First Time Visiting?
Welcome to Ascent Studio, Fort Collins' premier facility for indoor climbing, bouldering and other cool stuff that happens in spite of gravity. We are glad you found us. Spending a few minutes here on the website ahead of your visit can help you or your family members start climbing ASAP after your arrival.
1 - Complete the Visitor Agreement / Waiver
All visitors, even if they are not climbing, must watch our orientation video (attached to waiver), plus, read and fill out a visitor agreement in order to be in the facility.
Everyone under 18 years of age must have a parent or legal guardian complete the visitor agreement on their behalf. If you are bringing someone else's child then their parent or legal guardian must do the same for them. There are no exceptions, however we try to make this as painless a process as possible. This can be done online ahead of time.
While you can watch the video and fill out the waiver when you arrive, it may be easier if you do that online before you arrive. It will be waiting for you when you do arrive and you'll be able to get climbing sooner.
2 - Orientation
We require every visitor over 14 years old to watch the orientation video. If you are filling out the waiver watching the video is part of that process. Those who are under 18 years of age, and not filling out a waiver for themselves, can watch the video at the link below or watch it when they arrive at the gym.
Lamentamos que nuestro video de orientación esté actualmente solo en inglés. Estamos trabajando para tener pronto un video de orientación para nuestros huéspedes de habla hispana.
Our staff is also happy to give an additional orientation in-person when you arrive at the gym. This can be helpful for families with children under 14 years old so that all of the children know what is expected of them.
3 - Auto Belays
Auto belays allow you to access the rope climbing terrain even if you don't have a partner to climb with or if your partner hasn't yet learned to belay. Because there are additional risks involved with using the auto belays we require an in person auto belay specific orientation. Our front desk staff can help get you started, expect about 5-10 minutes.
4 - Optional Gear
A harness and belay device are required for rope climbing. Climbing shoes are not required for climbing, but they are highly recommended, and most people express amazement at the difference climbing shoes make. We do not allow climbers to climb barefoot and please no boots or open-toed shoes.
You may either bring your own gear or you can rent gear from us. If you do decide to rent gear you should plan a few minutes to get the fit of shoes and harness right.
5 - Belay Qualification Tests
We require everyone who wishes to top-rope belay at Ascent Studio to receive a qualification test from our staff to verify your proficiency. This usually take about 10 minutes.
If you have familiarity with top-rope belaying but just need refresher, and if our staff is not too busy, then we will try to accommodate you. However, we will not guarantee that you'll pass our qualification test after this refresher. If our staff still thinks you would benefit from some more thorough instruction then we'll kindly ask you to sign-up for a Top Rope Belay class.
If you are new to climbing, we will be happy to teach you how to properly use basic climbing gear and to belay for your partner. You may sign-up online, or chat with someone at the front desk for a current schedule of those classes. We request that you sign-up for these classes at least 72 hours ahead of time.
Similarly, lead climbing and lead belaying at Ascent Studio requires staff qualification and usually takes about 10-15 minutes. As this type of climbing and belaying is more technical in nature we do not offer refreshers. We do offer instruction for lead climbing and belaying. You can sign-up online or check at the front desk for a current schedule.