

March 16, 2016

Construction Week 4

This week was all about concrete! French Concrete finished forming, positioning rebar, and pouring the interior footing pads that will support the large columns of the […]
March 24, 2016

Construction Week 5

This week (Mar 14 – 19) French Concrete poured concrete for the foundation that supports the building walls and pilasters. You can see that most of […]
March 30, 2016

Construction Week 6

Snow and concrete were the highlights of this last week, which don’t make a great combination. Still, we were able to pour more of our foundation. […]
April 6, 2016

Construction Week 7

This last week saw almost all of the remaining concrete work for the building foundation. You’ll see that the concrete pump was out there on Tuesday […]
April 9, 2016

Construction Week 8

This was the final week to prepare the site for erection of the metal building. French Concrete finished up the concrete work, with the last pour […]
April 25, 2016

Construction Week 9

The steel is going up, and oh what a sight it is to see. Evergreen started erecting the building on Monday the 11th, beginning with the […]